Movie Animation Park Studios (MAPS)
Movie Animation Park Studios (‘MAPS’) Perak is currently one of the most unique and exciting projects underway in the leisure & tourism landscape in Malaysia. It will feature over 40 rides, shows & attractions including Malaysia’s first DreamWorks Animation dedicated zone, Malaysia’s tallest drop tower, a thrilling live car stunt show and a variety of themed food & beverage and retail outlets. MAPS will appeal to families and people of all ages and is designed to cater for Malaysia’s hot and wet climate.
A Double Celebration for BoBoiBoy
Another milestone was etched in the MAPS history with the announcement of the partnership between MAPS and BoBoiBoy, the popular Malaysian animated series.
Speaking at the event, Mr. Ramelle Ramli, Founder and Chairman of RSG said, “With the inclusion of BoBoiBoy to MAPS Perak it would be an enormous pull factor as it is an animation which most Malaysian children can identify and relate to.”
“Malaysian animation BoBoiBoy will now be placed alongside internationally renowned franchise characters from one of the world’s leading animation studios, DreamWorks Animation, which is based in Los Angeles. We are thrilled that fans can experience BoBoiBoy alongside beloved characters from Mr. Peabody & Sherman, Megamind, The Croods and Casper the Friendly Ghost,” said Mr. Darren McLean the CEO, Movie Animation Park Studios. (MAPS)
Held in conjunction with the 4th Anniversary of BoBoiBoy, the CEO of Monsta, Nizam Razak announced that the company has found the perfect ‘home’ for BoBoiBoy in MAPS. At the event, members of the media were also given a sneak peek of the BoBoiBoy 4D Ride through video and the artist impressions.
With BoBoiBoy on board, MAPS will be able to offer theme park goers exciting activities based on the popular BoBoiBoy characters. Visitors can see BoBoiBoy come to life at MAPS with the exclusive custom produced 4D adventure film which will only be available for viewing at MAPS. They can also visit BoBoiBoy Animation & Sound FX, a special attraction that lets kids experience what it feels like to be a superhero through the use of 3D animation technology. The famous Tok Aba’s Kokotiam is also another not to be missed attraction which will be serving a range of BoBoiBoy food and drinks besides the famed hot cocoa. BoBoiBoy merchandise will also be available for sale at the Kokotiam.
Malaysians can now be proud and look forward to our locally produced animation BoBoiBoy featured at par with internationally recognised animation productions in Asia’s first movie animation theme park, MAPS.